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Moving into a new home can be an exciting and renewing time that homeowners want to capture forever. Luckily, preserving that new-home feeling doesn't have to be a full-time job. Here's how to use routine upkeep to maintain that new home feeling as the years go by.
Monthly MaintenanceEvery month, check HVAC system filters and replace any that are dirty. Check for leaks in toilets or sinks around the entire home plan that could lead to costly water wastage. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure the safety of the home. Stroll the perimeter of the home to check for visible problems with foundation, gutters, vents, and pipes.
Fall and Winter MaintenanceWhen temperatures drop, it's time to inspect the fireplace to prevent fires or excessive smoke inhalation. This is also an important time to clean leaves out of gutters and off of the roof to prevent a buildup of debris and excessive pooling of water. During the winter, drafts can be spotted with a lit incense stick held up to doors and windows. If the smoke blows randomly around the seam instead of straight up, there may be a draft causing costly energy inefficiency.
Spring and Summer MaintenanceWhen the weather warms up, inspect sidewalks and the driveway as the ground thaws, getting any cracks caused by cold temperatures repaired. Grass and weeds springing up around HVAC units should be trimmed back to preserve the efficiency of the unit. This is also the time for testing any lawn irrigation systems as well as completing pressure washing for vinyl or fiber cement siding.
Yearly MaintenanceEvery year, the home should be inspected for termites and other pests. In addition, the septic tank should be cleaned, and the hot water heater should be drained to reduce sediment and increase longevity. Because lint can be a fire hazard, the home's dryer exhaust should be cleaned annually. For homes that have a garage, the garage door springs should be lubricated annually to keep it operating smoothly.
Building a new home can ensure that there are no problems hidden by sellers, but keeping problems at bay requires upkeep. For more information about becoming a homeowner, call the experienced team at Robertson Homes at 248-505-0686 today. We've been building homes for families in Southeast Michigan for over 75 years.
Honestly, I had the best experience with everyone on the team. I am a first time home owner and everyone made the process easy. I mostly worked with Sandy, Ryan and Wendy... and they are all FANTASTIC. Super nice, knowledgeable and very responsive. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.